Academic Studies in Israel

In Israel, institutions of higher education are divided into two categories: universities and colleges, the difference between them being that in addition to teaching, universities are involved in academic research. In addition, the admissions criteria to universities is higher than those for college. Israel has 6 universities and 54 academic colleges.

Tuition in Israel

tuition in Israel varies between the different institutions. Universities for the most part are less expensive than colleges due to government budgets. The annual tuition in a university is NIS 12,000 per year. In colleges, annual tuition varies, depending on the college's location, quality and level of professionalism, and can reach NIS 30,000 per year.

Israel has a relatively high percentage of graduates from institutions of higher education, with over 24% of Israelis attending an academic institution. In 2011, over 260,000 Israelis studied in the country's institutions of higher education.

Admissions Criteria for Studies in Israel

To be admitted to one of Israel's academic institutions, students must pass several criteria. Every institution of higher education in Israel has different admissions criteria, with the threshold criteria even changing between faculties.

Matriculation Diploma 

A full matriculation diploma (In  Hebrew: תעודת בגרות – Teu'dat Bagrut) is a necessary part of any university applicant, with the exception of students over the age of 30 who are admitted to several faculties without a matriculation diploma. Every student in Israel must have a matriculation diploma that is composed of several core subjects such as math, language, reading comprehension, history, English, etc. If the matriculation exam scores are insufficient, or if the candidate failed to complete his high school education and was not entitled to matriculation diploma during high school, they can attend a preparatory school prior to the start of studies in order to improve their achievements in the fields relevant to their chosen major.

The Psychometric Exam

The psychometric exam (In Hebrew: המבחן הפסיכומטרי – Hamivchan Psychometri) is one that all students must take. The psychometric exam is given on 4 dates a year.
You can take the exam in languages other than Hebrew only during two specific dates throughout the year. The exam is composed of 3 sections: English, quantitative and verbal. The test lasts 190 minutes and should be a parameter for academic institutions as to how well the student will perform in the university. The psychometric exam score ranges between 200-800, with the minimum score needed to be admitted to a university is 450, which will provide admission to a limited number of faculties. Several institutions and faculties do not require a psychometric exam but the score is a prerequisite for admissions to the faculties that are in higher demand.

Due to the fierce competition around admissions to the requested faculty, many students who wish to take the psychometric exam take a psychometric preparation course in one of the educational psychometric exam prep schools that exist across the country in order to improve their chances of being admitted

Once they have received the psychometric exam score, and have their matriculation scores, candidates submit these scores to the institutions they wish to attend, based on the admissions criteria published by that institution.  Some candidates are automatically accepted based on their grades. The rest compete against each other depending on the number of seats available in the faculty and the level of other candidates who submitted their applications. The largest number of students are accepted in to the social sciences, with the least number of students being accepted into medicine – due to the much stricter admissions criteria for that faculty and the relatively limited number of seats.

Foreign Students

Foreign students who wish to study in Israel and have a foreign matriculation diploma must contact the commissioner in the registrars of the academic institutions to weigh the foreign diploma as a substitute of the Israeli matriculation diploma. If the diploma is accepted, it must include the subjects required by the candidate's selected faculties, if these faculties have special requirements.

Most faculties in Israel's institutions of higher education are taught in Hebrew. Anyone wishing to study and who is not a speaker of the language can attend an 'ulpan' that teaches Hebrew. In addition, candidates should attend the preparation school to studies in higher education that should prepare students for studies in Israel. Although the lectures are in Hebrew, much of the reading material in many faculties is in English, and most will allow students to submit papers and work in English, thereby enabling students to succeed in studies even if their level of Hebrew is not perfect.

In addition, there are special programs in English for new immigrants who wish to study in Israel or for foreign citizens who want to study for only one semester in Israel. Below is a listing of educational programs in English for both the Bachelors and Masters Degree program.

Institution Bachelors Degree Masters Degree
Tel-Aviv University English Language and Literature English Language and Literature

History and the Middle East

Medicine (Joint Program with New York University) The Hebrew University – School for Overseas Students English Language and Literature Judaism

Religious Studies

Middle East

Society and Politics in Israel

Jewish Education


Public Health

English Language and Literature Ben-Gurion University English Language and Literature Environmental and Desert Studies

International Medical Program Bar Ilan University English Language and Literature English Language and Literature

Business Administration Haifa University English and General Studies

English Language and Literature Business Administration

English Language and Literature The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Medicine (Joint Program with Touro College)Weizmann Institute of Science
Science Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya Computer Science

Business Administration


If you already began some of your degree overseas and wish to continue it, or study for a Masters Degree, an application can be submitted to one of the relevant programs for you that would allow you to continue your studies in one of the institutions designated for foreign students such as the Academic College in Ashkelon or Hadassah College.

Israel offers scholarships to fund Hebrew studies (Ulpan) and higher education studies for foreign students from countries with which student exchange agreements were signed. In order to be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must meet several criteria such as eligibility for a foreign Bachelor's Degree, age limit of up to 35 years of age, knowledge of Hebrew / English and compliance with specific criteria of the institution to which they applied. In addition, residential arrangements and financial assistance may also be available depending on the criteria of the various scholarships.

ניווט בכתבה

פוסטים נוספים בנושא​

דף לובי בגרויות

נהלי הרשמה לבגרויות 2025

לימודים מרחוק קידום

לימודי הכנה לבגרויות למשפחות נוודים דיגיטליים

דף קורס אנגלית מדוברת ואמי_רם למשרד הביטחון

בחינת אמירנט פלוס ובחינת הלאל

תוכניות גפ"ן של קידום

איך ניתן להשתמש בפסיכומטרי במגוון תחומים בחיים?

רוצה להתייעץ עם מורה מנוסה? הפורום שלנו קיים במיוחד בשביל זה 🙂

בחן את עצמך

מדגדג לך לדעת מה זה הפסיכומטרי הזה? בדיוק בשביל זה בנינו עבורך מבדק פסיכומטרי שבסופו נשלח לך את הציון המשוער שלך בסמס

פוסטים נוספים בנושא​

הפורום ששווה יותר

אם יש לך שאלה כלשהי ובא לך להתייעץ עם מורה מנוסה, הפורום שלנו קיים במיוחד בשביל זה 🙂
ניתן להעלות אליו כל שאלה שעולה על דעתך (בנושאים מקצועיים, כן? אנחנו פחות טובים במתכונים לעוגות שוקולד…) ואחד מהמורים שלנו ייתן לך את התשובה הטובה ביותר במהרה. 


עד 40% הנהחה קורסי בגרות בקידום
עד 40% הנחה קורסי בגרות קידום svg מובייל

הצעד הראשון שלך בקידום!

הפנייה התקבלה, נהיה איתך בקשר בהקדם!

הצעד הראשון שלך בקידום!

הפנייה התקבלה, נהיה איתך בקשר בהקדם!

אני רוצה להיות חלק ממשפחת קידום

העלאת קורות חיים

קורות החיים נשלחו בהצלחה!

הוספת קובץ

הוספת המלצה על מורה

אני מאשר/ת שימוש בהמלצה שהזנתי לפרסום בערוצים נוספים של קידום. פירוט הסכמה ידוע לי שעם מתן הסכמתי תוכל קידום לעשות שימוש בהמלצה בכל מדיה שהיא, בכל עת שהיא, שלא נדרש אישורי לפרסומים השונים מראש וכי לא אהיה זכאי לכל תמורה בגין שימושים כאמור.

תודה שהקדשת מזמנך לכתוב, זה לא ברור מאליו!

בקרוב כולם יוכלו לקרוא את ההמלצה באתר

העלאת תמונת פרופיל להמלצה

הוספת המלצה לגפ"ן

אני מאשר/ת שימוש בהמלצה שהזנתי לפרסום בערוצים נוספים של קידום. פירוט הסכמה ידוע לי שעם מתן הסכמתי תוכל קידום לעשות שימוש בהמלצה בכל מדיה שהיא, בכל עת שהיא, שלא נדרש אישורי לפרסומים השונים מראש וכי לא אהיה זכאי לכל תמורה בגין שימושים כאמור.

תודה שהקדשת מזמנך לכתוב, זה לא ברור מאליו!

בקרוב כולם יוכלו לקרוא את ההמלצה באתר

העלאת תמונה להמלצה